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VirtualDub documentation: How to install the VFWWDM wrapper for Windows 2000

First, install DirectX 8.0a, the DirectX 8 DV update, and Windows 2000 Service Pack 2.  SP2 is mandatory, because it includes a file that you may not have.  Once you have it installed, check for a file called \WINNT\ServicePackFiles\i386\vfwwdm32.dll.  Copy it to \WINNT\System32\vfwwdm32.dll, if a file by that name doesn't already exist there.

Next, open up Registry Editor (regedit.exe), and drill down to:


Create a key called MSVideo.VFWWDM, and in it, create the following entries:

Name Type Data

Description REG_SZ Microsoft WDM Image Capture (Win32)
Driver REG_SZ vfwwdm32.dll

The Microsoft VFWWDM wrapper should now appear as a usable capture device in VFW-based capture programs.  Another method is to try the following strings in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion:

Name Type Data

drivers.desc\vfwwdm32.dll REG_SZ Microsoft WDM Image Capture (Win32)
Drivers32\msvideo REG_SZ vfwwdm32.dll

If msvideo already exists, use msvideo1, msvideo2, etc.  With this method you will most likely get two video capture entries, one that works and one that doesn't.  If this occurs, check to see if the MSVideo.VFWWDM key has been created; if it has, back out the second patch and apply the first.